Friday, October 1, 2010

Route 23 Setting

The main setting of my story is on a city bus with lots of different kind of people getting on and off the bus. I use those people on this bus to create my characters. This story will be about terrorist events and will have a twist on the subject of the environment and our planet earth.

Route 23 Introduction

This blog will contain my first attempt at writing a novel. Yup! A novel. I have never done it, I have no knowledge of how to do it, but hey, I am willing to jump into cold water and swim the best I can.
You will notice that the novel I am about to write will be in both English and French. That is because, here in Canada, we speak two languages. Unfortunately, I do not speak more than two languages. One day I will...

So here it is...

Guy Levert
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada